Discipline Policies
- Follow directions the first time they are given.
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
- Use appropriate language at all times.
Lunch Detention:
A student may be assigned lunch detention by a teacher or an administrator for inappropriate behavior.
After-School Detention:
After-school detention may be assigned by an administrator if a student does not attend lunch detention, or if an administrator deems it an appropriate consequence according to the School-Wide Discipline Plan. It is important to note that every lunch detention earned in the classroom setting after seven is coupled with an after-school detention as well.
School-Wide Discipline Plan:
Warning: Incident recorded.
First Step: Incident recorded, one lunch detention, and phone call home-parent contact.
Second Step: Incident recorded, two lunch detentions, phone call home-parent contact.
Third Step: Incident recorded, one lunch detention, one after-school detention, loss of privilege to attend next dance, phone call home-parent contact.
Fourth Step: Incident recorded, one day in-school suspension, one lunch detention, one after-school detention, loss of privilege to attend next dance, and parent conference.
Fifth Step: Incident recorded, two days in-school suspension, two lunch detentions, two after-school detentions, loss of privilege to attend next dance, loss of trips and/or end-of-year eighth grade dance, and parent conference.
Exhaustion of School-Wide Discipline Plan:
Any additional infractions will result in appropriate disciplinary action as per the Miller Place School District Code of Conduct and the building administration.
- A student will be placed on the appropriate step based on the severity of the infraction.
- Out-of-school suspension may be utilized as an appropriate consequence.
- Twenty infractions will result in an automatic Step Five and loss of school functions (e.g. sports, trips, dances).
*By having no further discipline events for a period of five weeks, students will be afforded one opportunity to retract a step.
Positive Reinforcement: To encourage students to follow these school-wide rules, we will recognize appropriate behavior with praise, such as, “Good News” notes home, positive phone calls, “Character Coupons” and other rewards.