Student Handbook - NCR 24-25
191 North Country Road
Miller Place, New York 11764
(631) 474-2710
Fax (631) 474-5178
Seth A. Lipshie, Superintendent of Schools |
Christine Mangiamele, Principal |
Susan G. Craddock, Assistant Superintendent |
Diana Tufaro, Assistant Principal |
Christopher J. Herrschaft, Director of Human Resources |
Donald Denning, Dean of Students |
Sandra Wojnowski, Executive Director for Educational Services |
September 2024
Dear Parent or Guardian:
We are delighted that your child will be attending the North Country Road Middle School this year. With your encouragement, your child will participate and enjoy many exciting and rewarding experiences this academic school year.
Since life-long success depends in part on learning to make responsible choices, we have developed a school-wide discipline plan which encourages students to make good choices about his or her behavior. Your child deserves the most positive climate possible for growth. We know that together we will make a difference in this process.
The plan below outlines our rules, positive recognition for appropriate behavior, and consequences for inappropriate behavior.
1. Follow directions the first time they are given.
2. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
3. Use appropriate language at all times.
To encourage students to follow these school-wide rules, appropriate behavior will be recognized with praise, Character Coupons, Good News notes home, positive phone calls, and other school rewards and privileges. There is also a provision where students have the opportunity to retract steps (consequences) in the behavior plan.
Infractions of the school rules are documented/recorded on SchoolTool. There are five steps in the documentation process and students are encouraged to participate in our step retraction program. By having no further discipline events for a period of five weeks, students will be afforded one opportunity to retract a step. Examples of behaviors resulting in a student’s automatic placement on a third, fourth, or fifth step include but are not limited to cutting class/school, fighting, insubordination, and the possession or use of vapes, tobacco, drugs, alcohol, or weapons. For more specific policy and procedure information refer to the school district’s Code of Conduct. It is important to note that our rules and regulations are not only for the school day, but also for any school function.
Our goal is to work with you to ensure the success of your child. Please read and discuss these plans with your child in preparation for the new school year. Your signature is required on the form on page fifteen. It can be returned to school with your child. Thank you for your cooperation and support.
Christine Mangiamele
191 North Country Road
Miller Place, New York 11764
(631) 474-2710
Fax (631) 474-5178
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year! Whether you are a sixth grader preparing for your first year at the North Country Road Middle School or a seventh or eighth grader continuing your middle school years, this will be an important tool to help keep you organized, informed, and prepared to meet the challenges of the coming school year.
Your years at the North Country Road Middle School should be filled with many experiences both inside and outside the classroom. Academic achievement and the pursuit of knowledge should be your main goals; however, middle school provides many opportunities for you to achieve success beyond the classroom. We encourage you to participate in extracurricular activities, interscholastic athletics, and our musical groups during the year. These are also important years socially and we hope that you will take the time to form positive relationships with as many of your peers as possible.
As you read through the opening pages of this planner you will find a great deal of information that will help you throughout the year. You will also learn about whom to ask if you have any questions or concerns. Remember, our faculty and staff are here to help you.
Best wishes for a successful and exciting school year at NCRMS!
Christine Mangiamele
Student Schedule
Name: ___________________________________ Grade: ___________ Locker #: _________
Period |
Subject |
Room # |
Teacher |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
During the 2024-2025 school year the day will be divided into nine periods. Listed below are the required middle school courses for each grade.
Grade 6 |
Grade 7 |
Grade 8 |
English 6 (Block) |
English 7 |
English 8 |
Literacy 6 |
Social Studies 7 |
Social Studies 8 |
Social Studies 6 |
Science 7 |
Science 8/Earth Science 8 (Lab) |
Science 6 |
Math 7/Math 7 Honors |
Math 8 (Math Lab) /Algebra I |
Math 6 |
World Language 7 |
World Language 8 |
Physical Education 6 |
Physical Education 7 |
Physical Education 8 |
Music 6 |
Music 7 |
Music 8/ Study Hall |
Art 6 |
Family & Consumer Sciences 7/ Technology 7 |
Technology 8/ Computer Literacy |
Math AIS |
Health / Art / Project Based Learning / Computer Applications |
Health/Comp lit I /FACS 8 / Comp Lit II |
Health 6 |
Lunch 6 |
Lunch 7 |
Lunch 8 |
Lunch Detention
A student may be assigned lunch detention by a teacher or an administrator for inappropriate behavior.
Alternative Learning Center
A student can be assigned to the Alternative Learning Center (ISS) by an administrator if a student does not attend lunch detention, or if an administrator deems it an appropriate consequence according to the School-Wide Discipline Plan.
School-Wide Discipline Plan:
Warning: Incident recorded.
First Step: Incident recorded, one lunch detention, and phone call home-parent contact.
Second Step: Incident recorded, two lunch detentions, phone call home-parent contact.
Third Step: Incident recorded, one day in-school suspension (no after school activities on day of suspension), loss of privilege to attend next dance, phone call home-parent contact.
Fourth Step: Incident recorded, two day in-school suspension (no after school activities on days of suspension), one lunch detention, loss of privilege to attend next dance, and parent conference.
Fifth Step: Incident recorded, one day out-of-school suspension (no after school activities on day of suspension), loss of privilege to attend next dance, loss of trips and/or end-of-year eighth grade dance, and parent conference. *
Exhaustion of School-Wide Discipline Plan
Any additional infractions will result in appropriate disciplinary action as per the Miller Place School District Code of Conduct and the building administration.
- A student will be placed on the appropriate step based on the severity of the infraction.
- Out-of-school suspension may be utilized as an appropriate consequence.
- Twenty infractions will result in an automatic Step Five and loss of school functions (e.g. sports, trips, dances).
* By having no further discipline events for a period of five weeks, students will be afforded one opportunity to retract a step.
A strong attendance record is essential to develop characteristics necessary for the educational growth of the student. Since excessive tardiness/absences are not beneficial to good work habits and learning, parents should do everything to ensure that their children arrive at school on time. The Board of Education has adopted a policy regarding student attendance. The policy states that all absences must be accounted for. It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the school office on the morning of the absence or tardiness, or at least within 24 hours of the occurrence. A written excuse should also be provided upon the student’s return to school. When a student is tardy, they must report to the attendance office, sign in, and receive a pass for their class.
Excused absences are defined as any of the following:
- Personal illness
- Death in the family during immediate grieving
- Practicing religious observance
- Government imposed quarantine
- Required court appearances
- Approved supervised trips
All other absences (e.g. class cuts, undocumented absences and tardiness, unapproved early leaves) are considered unexcused absences. Attendance data will be analyzed each quarter to identify patterns or trends in student absences that require necessary investigation and appropriate action. A student who is at least twenty minutes late will earn an absence. Three unexcused “lates” that are of less than twenty minutes equals one absence.
For students that participate in Earth Science, Algebra I and World Language:
- Students must maintain 85% attendance to be eligible for credit. Twenty-seven absences within a full year course will result in no credit given for the course. Students taking Earth Science, which meets 270 class periods yearly, may not exceed forty-one absences to receive credit for the course.
- Students who are unable to attend a class on a given day/period due to their participation in a school-sponsored activity may arrange with their teachers to make up missed work. Participation in these events will not count towards the total number of absences; however, students with 20 or more absences will not be permitted to miss class for school-sponsored activities (including school trips).
- Students with “no credit” status before the end of the year are obligated to continue to attend the class. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary procedures.
- A student that receives a Non-Credit (NC) in a course will have a score of 50% calculated into their Cumulative Grade Point Average for each Non-Credited course.
Attendance Incentives:
A yearly attendance award will be given to those students who maintain perfect attendance. This is done in an effort to acknowledge a student’s efforts to maintain perfect attendance.
Disciplinary Consequences:
In accordance with the district’s Code of Conduct, the following range of disciplinary sanctions may be imposed to discourage unexcused pupil absences, tardiness, and class cuts: oral warning, written warning, detention, suspension from athletic participation, suspension from social or extracurricular activities, loss of course credit for credit bearing courses.
Eligibility Policy and Probationary Status Procedures
For Extra-Curricular Activities
Eligibility Policy
Due to the fact that the middle school student is in a transitional period, the eligibility policy adopted by the Board of Education for the high school has been modified for the NCRMS.
All students in the North Country Road Middle School must make learning their primary goal. To continue participating in extracurricular activities, students must maintain an acceptable academic level of performance:
- Academic eligibility is determined by the achievement grades of the proceeding 10-week period except in September, which will be determined by the final grade earned the previous year, and in summer school.
- Students who receive two or more failing grades in a marking period are placed on probationary status concerning eligibility.
- Students must be in attendance during the regular school day to participate in extracurricular activities that day. Students must maintain 85% attendance (no more than twenty-seven absences) in order to be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities.
- Suspension from school makes the student ineligible to participate in any extracurricular activities during the suspension period.
- Students must be in attendance by the end of the Second Period (9:10 a.m.) in order to be eligible to engage in any after-school activity (sport contests, moving-up dance, etc.).
Probationary Status Procedure
A student designated to probationary status will be required to attend a mandatory Academic Center before or after school. This is an intervention designed to assist the student in their academic achievement. The student will attend three days a week. The student will submit a weekly progress report to the school office to monitor his/her progress. If the weekly report is not provided, or the criteria for eligibility have not been met, the student will be prohibited from participating during the following week. Upon evidence of a serious and determined effort to pass the course(s), the student will be removed from the probationary status. If a student does not make the effort to improve in the class (or classes) in question, an administrative review could result in the possibility of suspension from all extra-curricular activities.
The Miller Place School District is committed to providing all students with a safe and civil school environment in which all members of the school community are treated with dignity and respect. To that end, the school district has in place policies, procedures, and practices that are designed to reduce and eliminate bullying and harassment as well as processes and procedures to deal with incidents of bullying and harassment when they occur. Bullying and harassment of students by other students, school officials, faculty, staff, and volunteers who have direct contact with students will not be tolerated in the school district. The school district prohibits harassment, bullying, hazing, inappropriate technology use, including cyberbullying or any other victimization, including but not limited to harassment based on real or perceived membership in a protected class including, race, sex, creed, color, national origin, religion, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, physical appearance, and/or personality characteristics.
Bullying is a form of abuse. It comprises repeated acts over time that involve a real or perceived imbalance of power with the more powerful individual or group abusing those who are less powerful. The power imbalance may be social power and/or physical power. The victim of bullying is sometimes referred to as a target. Bullying consists of three basic types of abuse - emotional, verbal and physical. It typically involves subtle methods of coercion such as psychological manipulation. Bullying occurs when:
- The conduct is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it affects a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from an educational program or activity, or creates an intimidating, hostile, threatening or abusive educational environment.
- The conduct physically harms the student or damages the student’s property;
- The conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s academic performance; or
- The conduct otherwise adversely affects an individual’s educational opportunities.
Bullying can be student to student, teacher to student, student to teacher, individual to individual, group to group, group to individual, individual to group regardless of gender, age or sexual orientation or even cyberbullying.
This policy is in effect while students are on property within the jurisdiction of the school district; while on school-owned and/or school-operated vehicles; while attending or engaged in school functions; and while away from school grounds if the misconduct directly affects the good order, efficient management and welfare of the school district. The district may request documentation from the appropriate legal authorities to assist school administrators in matters that occur away from school grounds that affect the good order, efficient management, and welfare of the school district.
Harassment as set forth above may include unwelcome verbal, nonverbal, physical, photographed, images, written, bullying, hazing, or other victimization that have the purpose (intent or unintended effect) or effect of causing injury, discomfort, fear, embarrassment, or suffering to the victim. Harassment behaviors may be, but are not limited to:
- Repeated remarks of a demeaning nature that have the purpose or effect of causing injury, discomfort, fear, embarrassment, or suffering to the victim;
- Implied or explicit threats concerning one’s grades, achievements, property, etc. that have the purpose or effect of causing injury, discomfort, fear, embarrassment, or suffering to the victim;
- Demeaning jokes, stories, or activities directed at the student that have the purpose or effect of causing injury, discomfort, fear, embarrassment, or suffering to the victim; and/or
- Unreasonable interference with a student’s performance or creation of an intimidating, humiliating offensive, or hostile learning environment.
Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexually motivated physical conduct, or other verbal or physical conduct or communication of a sexual nature when:
- Submission to that conduct or communication is made a term or condition, either explicitly or implicitly of a student’s education including any aspect of the student’s education including any aspect of the student’s participation in school sponsored activities, or any other aspect of the student’s education; or
- Submission to or rejection of that conduct or communication by an individual is used as a factor in decisions affecting a student’s education; or
- The conduct or communication has a purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with a student’s academic performance or participation in school sponsored activities, or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or educational environment.
In situations between students and school officials, faculty, staff, or volunteers who have direct contact with students, bullying and harassment may also include the following behaviors:
- Requiring that a student submit to bullying or harassment by another student, either explicitly or implicitly, as a term or condition of the targeted student’s education or participation in school programs or activities; and/or
- Submission to or rejection of such conduct by a student is used as a basis for decisions affecting the student.
Racial Harassment of Students
Students, who believe they have been victims of racial harassment from other students, or from District employees, should report the incident(s) to the Building Principal. Any incident of racial harassment should be reported orally or in writing. If the incident is reported orally, the Building Principal shall make a written record of the same. Reports of alleged racial harassment will be held in confidence and subject to all applicable laws. Racial harassment of students consists of different treatment on the basis of race and is recognized in two different forms:
- when the District’s employees or agents, acting within the scope of their official duties, or other students, treat a student differently than other students solely on the basis of race and culture; or
- when the education environment is not kept free from discrimination because the harassing conduct is so severe, pervasive, or persistent that it interferes with or limits the ability of a student to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided.
Retaliation against a student because the student has filed a bullying or harassment complaint or assisted or participated in a harassment investigation or proceeding, is also prohibited. Students who knowingly file false harassment complaints or give false statements in an investigation shall be subject to discipline by measures up to and including suspension, as shall any student who is found to have retaliated against another in violation of this policy. The district will promptly and reasonably investigate allegations of harassment and/or bullying. The building principal, Level I investigator, or designee will be responsible for handling all complaints by students alleging incidents of harassment and/or bullying.
The board will designate each building principal to ensure compliance with this policy with regard to student bullying and harassment so that students who believe they have been subject to bullying will have knowledge of how and with whom to file their complaint. Upon receipt of a formal or informal complaint, a prompt, thorough and impartial investigation of the allegations must follow. This investigation is to be conducted diligently. Witnesses shall be interviewed. Complainants are to be notified of the outcome of the investigation. Students who believe they have been subjected to student bullying and harassment may request that an informal meeting be held between themselves and the Building Principal. The student may also request a meeting with a counselor or administrator. Parents or guardians of the student shall be notified of their right to attend the interview with their child. The purpose of such a meeting will be to discuss the allegations and remedial steps available.
Student questions and concerns:
Area of Concern |
Person to Contact |
Class Work, Curriculum, Progress, Grading |
Teacher Involved |
Student – Teacher Relationship |
Teacher Involved |
Overall Student Progress |
Guidance Counselor |
Extracurricular Activities |
Guidance Counselor |
School Policy, DASA & Program |
Principal |
School Bus Incidents |
Assistant Principal Dean of Students |
Student Behavior |
Assistant Principal Dean of Students |
Eligibility Policy |
Dean of Students |
School Accident/Illness |
Nurse |
Absences or Tardiness |
School Attendance Office |
Student Dress
Students are expected to dress in a manner that is appropriate for school, as well as the activity in which they are participating. Our district has outlined the dress code in the Code of Conduct as follows:
A student’s dress, grooming and appearance shall:
- Be safe, appropriate, and not disrupt or interfere with the educational process.
- Recognize that extremely brief garments such as tube tops, net tops, halter tops, spaghetti straps, plunging necklines (front and/or back) and see-through garments are not appropriate. Students are advised against wearing shorts, skirts, skorts, etc. that are excessively short (anything shorter than the student’s fingertips when the student’s arms are held down at his/her side is prohibited). Since bare midriffs are not permitted, it is recommended that shirts are long enough to be tucked in.
- Ensure that underwear is completely covered with outer clothing.
- Include footwear at all times. Footwear that is a safety hazard will be prohibited.
- Not include the wearing of hats or bandannas in school, except for medical or religious purposes.
- Not include items that are vulgar, obscene, libelous, or that denigrate others on account of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.
- Not promote and/or endorse the use of alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs or firearms and/or encourage other illegal or violent activities.
(Please refer to the district’s Code of Conduct for additional information.)
Electronic Devices
Electronic devices brought to school should not disrupt the educational process in any way. Failure to comply with this rule will result in the item being confiscated and returned to the student at the end of the school day for first time offenders. Subsequent offenses will result in further disciplinary action.
Step 1: You will receive a warning &
Item will be returned at the end of the day
Step 2: Parent will be contacted &
Item will be returned at the end of the day
Step 3: Parent will be contacted to retrieve the item
Step 4: Parent will be contacted to retrieve the item &
Student will serve two days lunch detention
Student Lockers
All school lockers assigned to students are the property of the school district. Students should use only their assigned locker and should not give their combination to any other students. Sports lockers are assigned at the beginning of each new season. Students may not use their sports lockers during the course of the school day. Bags and other belongings should not be left in the locker room without being placed in a locker.
Student Telephone Calls
Students wishing to make telephone calls during the school day must do so from the Main Office.
Student Drop-Off
The north roadway to the NCRMS is closed to all traffic, except for buses during arrival and dismissal times. Students should be dropped off and picked up in the parking lot on the Sound Beach School driveway.
Bus Service
Students are expected to ride their own bus to and from school. In the event of an emergency, a note must be signed by a parent, as well as the school principal, to allow a student to ride another bus if there is enough room. Only students who attended supervised activities will be permitted to ride a late bus.
Student Bicycle Use
Students may not ride bicycles without wearing a safety helmet on school grounds during district-wide school hours. Bicycles should be parked and locked in the designated area. Bicycles should be walked on and off school grounds during arrival and dismissal.
Care of Textbooks and School Equipment
It is very important that care is taken to insure the condition of all textbooks and other school equipment. All textbooks should be properly covered throughout the school year. Students are held financially responsible for lost or damaged books, supplies, equipment, etc.
Library and Media Center
The school library and media center is open during the course of the school day, as well as, during lunch periods and after-school. Students who wish to use the library during their lunch period or after-school should obtain a pass in advance, as space is limited. Students will receive and sign the computer policy agreement in the beginning of the school year. Without a signed agreement a student will not have computer access or access to the Internet for research purposes.
Interscholastic Athletics
Interscholastic sports are an important piece of the middle school experience. Students are encouraged to participate in grades 7 and 8. Student eligibility for participation in interscholastic teams includes authorization by the school physician, written parent consent, and endorsement by the school principal based on established school rules.
NCRMS Sports Teams
Baseball, Basketball, Cross-Country, Field Hockey, Football, Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball, Tennis, Track & Field, Volleyball, Wrestling, and Cheerleading
Student spectators are welcome to attend athletic competitions but should leave school at the dismissal time and return for the start of the game, usually 4:00 p.m. Students may not remain in the building unsupervised waiting for the start of games.
NCRMS Clubs, Organizations, and Activities
During the course of the year the middle school offers a variety of after-school programs. Students may only stay after-school for a supervised activity; all other students should leave at the regular dismissal time. Students should listen to the morning announcements on WNCR and look for postings in the hallways for the start dates of the NCRMS clubs. Due to overwhelming support from the community and student body, we are fortunate to offer a variety of clubs that appeal to many of our students:
- American Sign Language
- Art Club
- Badminton (a.m.)
- Book Club
- Culinary Club
- Jazz Ensemble
- Jr. Panther Players
- Gaming Club
- Mathletes (7 & 8)
- Math Olympiad 6
- Lego League
- Mock Trial
- National Junior Honor Society*
- Science Club
- Student Government
- Vocal Jazz
- Open Courts (a.m)
- Yearbook
Student Government
Students in grades six, seven, and eight are encouraged to become involved in the student government at NCRMS. Members of the student government are responsible for organizing and running school dances, school pride apparel sales, SPIRIT WEEK, and other activities during the school year. This group also coordinates a variety of fundraising endeavors throughout the year.
National Junior Honor Society
Selection as a member of the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) is an honor recognized throughout the nation. Students do not apply for membership, but rather provide information to be used by the selection committee to support their candidacy for membership. Membership is not conveyed simply because a student has met a specific academic level of performance, but also demonstrates outstanding performance in all five criteria of scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship, and character. The scholarship requirement set by the Faculty Council of North Country Road Middle School (NCRMS) is based on the student’s cumulative grade point average during their first two years at the middle school. This refers to the total academic performance as demonstrated from the grades received by the student while in attendance at NCRMS. In order for a student to be eligible, a student must:
• Be an eighth grader.
• Have attended the school for the equivalent of two quarters.
• Achieve a cumulative 93% grade point average (rounded) during their sixth and seventh
grade academic experience.
Honor Roll/Merit Roll
Names of students who have earned a GPA of 90% or higher are listed on the Honor Roll. Students who have earned a GPA of 80% or higher are listed on the Merit Roll.
Assemblies are planned periodically as special events on the school calendar. Some typical assembly themes include cultural presentations and professional speakers. There is often a significant investment of time in preparation for an assembly program. Attendance is not an option. Special attention to etiquette and good citizenship is expected of all students.
School Dances
- Only middle school students in the appropriate grade level for the given dance can attend NCRMS dances.
- Students absent from school the day of a dance may not attend.
- Students may use their hallway locker for coat storage. However, lockers may be visited only before and after the dance.
- Students will remain in the school during the entire dance unless picked up by their parents.
- Parents are expected to pick up students promptly at the conclusion of the event.
- Students are expected to follow the school-wide discipline plan during the dance.
- Any severe behaviors will result in an appropriate consequence. In addition, parents will be called to pick up the student.
- Students are expected to clean up after themselves.
- Students are expected to behave in an appropriate manner, which includes no running and rough housing.
- Students who have lost their dance privilege due to the school-wide discipline plan are not permitted on school grounds during the dance.
Make-Up Work
The school will provide make-up work for excused absences in excess of one day. Students or their parents are responsible for requesting the work immediately upon returning to school. If dates of a student’s absence are known in advance, the teacher should be notified, and planned assignments may be given.
Home Tutoring
Home tutoring is available for pupils who, because of illness or injury, will be absent from school for at least two weeks. Parents who desire home teaching for their child should obtain a statement from a physician documenting the condition and reason.
Emergency Information Card
In case of emergency, each student is required to have the following information on file at the school:
- Parent/Guardian Names
- Complete and Up-to-Date Address*
- Home/Work Phone Numbers
- Emergency Contact Person in addition to the above mentioned
- Physician’s Name and Phone Number
- Medical Alert Information
*It is very important that every student maintains an up-to-date address and telephone number record at the school. Notify the school immediately if you have a change of address or telephone number during the school year.
In case of illness/injury, a student will be cared for temporarily by the school nurse. In the event of an accident, first aid will be administered while every effort will be made to contact the family. If family contact cannot be made, the school physician will be called. If he/she is not available, a call is made to the family doctor. If no physician is available, the Miller Place Fire Department ambulance will be called.
Medication at School
A student requiring medication during school hours must have a note from the doctor signifying the name of the medication, the dose and the time it is to be taken. All medications are to be stored with the school nurse in the Health Office. The phone number is 474-2710, ext. 442.
School physicians serve the community through school screenings and by performing physical examinations. Physicals are required for all new students entering the district and for all students in grade 7. Annual vision, hearing, height, and weight screening procedures are carried out by the school nurse for all students. The nurse will follow up on any deviations from the normal standards. Annual scoliosis screening is state mandated for students between the ages of 8 – 16.
191 North Country Road
Miller Place, New York 11764
(631) 474-2710
Fax (631) 474-5178
Seth A. Lipshie, Superintendent of Schools |
Christine Mangiamele, Principal |
Susan G. Craddock, Assistant Superintendent |
Diana Tufaro, Assistant Principal |
Christopher J. Herrschaft, Director of Human Resources |
Donald Denning, Dean of Students |
Sandra Wojnowski, Executive Director for Educational Services |
Dear Ms. Mangiamele,
I have read and discussed the School-Wide Discipline Plan with my child. I have also read and discussed the Attendance and Eligibility Policies adopted by the Board of Education. My child will return this form to his or her first period teacher.
First Period Teacher: _________________________________________ Grade: _____________
Student’s Name (printed): _____________________________________
Student's Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ______________
Parent or Guardian Signature: __________________________________ Date: ______________